英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 10:05:50
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a cooking utensil consisting of a flat rectangular metal sheet used for baking cookies or biscuits

Synonym: cookie sheet

1. 烤盘:baking soda 碳酸氢钠 | baking tray 烤盘 | baking varnish 清烤漆

2. 焙烤浅盘:baking time || 烘烤时间 | baking tray || 焙烤浅盘 | baking tunnel || 烘干隧道炉

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Take out the baking tray and slowly pour the sugar solution over the slit of chestnuts.(拉出烤盘,将糖水慢慢注入开口板栗。然后回炉再烤5-10分钟。)
Cut the dough into crescent shapes (or any shape you like) and place them on the baking tray.(用新月饼面切割器切成型(或任何你喜欢的形状),然后排列在烤盘上。)
It can set up the number of placing cake according to the users needs, diameter size of cake, modification parameter of row number and place it in the baking tray automatically.(本机根据用户需要,可设置摆放的个数,月饼直径大小,自由修改参数(列数、排数),自动将月饼排放在烤盘中。)
Grease a 7-inch baking tray and place it in steaming pot over high heat for few minutes.(在一个7寸的烤盘里薄薄地抹上一层油后放到蒸笼里大火加热几分钟。)
We heard a big crash coming from the kitchen - my mum had dropped the baking tray accidentally.(我们听到厨房传来一声巨响,是我的妈妈不小心掉了烤盘。)
Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover and let rise for about 35 minutes.(排在铺了烤纸的烤盘上,盖好进行最后发酵35分钟左右。)
Lay some foil on the baking tray and put a layer of pastry on it. Bake either side for 15 minutes each.(把一些油酥面用锡箔纸包好,放在盘里,两边加热均匀15分钟。)
Brush the top with some water, then dip the top surface of each dough into sesame. Place all the dough on a baking tray. Leave to rise for 60 minutes.(给面团表面扫些水份,洒上些芝麻粒,然后放到烤盘上进行最后发酵60分钟。)
Her old baking tray was so small that she had to cut off the end of the ham to fit it inside!(她说她拿来用来盛火腿的烘烤用的托盘太小了,所以她只好把火腿的末端给切掉才能正好装得下。)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking tray with non-stick tin foil.(烤箱预热至325度,烤盘扑上一层锡箔纸。)
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